Caterpillar Pest Control

Natures Way offers thorough ladybird removal services to effectively manage and eliminate ladybird infestations in Essex.
Caterpillar Control

Managing Caterpillar Infestations

Natures Way are specialists in caterpillar removal. Caterpillars are a common issue throughout the UK, and we have extensive experience in dealing with infestations in both residential and commercial settings.

Contact us at 0800 043 6703 to learn more about how to resolve a caterpillar issue.


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Caterpillar Pest Control
Caterpillar Control

Why Caterpillars Pose a Pest Control Problem

Certain caterpillar species, particularly the ‘box tree’ caterpillar, feed on the leaves of shrubs and bushes in gardens. Named for their preferred food source, ‘Box Trees,’ these caterpillars are often found in home gardens, public parks, and historical landscapes. Box Trees, or ‘Box Hedges,’ were known for their resilience until the arrival of the ‘Box Hedge Caterpillar.’

Box tree moths, the adult form of the caterpillar, will lay eggs under the leaves of nearby Box Trees. As the eggs hatch, young caterpillars begin feeding on the leaves, grow into moths, and continue the cycle. Multiple life cycles can occur within a year, with infestations capable of stripping all greenery from Box Hedges.

Signs of Caterpillar Infestation

  • Damage to Box trees and hedges, noticeable by rapid leaf loss.
  • Sightings of caterpillars, recognizable by their black heads and stripes, about 3cm in length.
  • Clusters of yellow eggs under the leaves of Box trees/hedges.
  • Silk webbing on leaves and branches.
  • Presence of white or brown winged moths.

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Box Tree Caterpillar Pest Control
Caterpillar Control

What Does Box Tree Caterpillar Pest Control Involve?

We employ a specialized treatment that includes a comprehensive fumigation/spray of all affected Box Trees. All Box Trees and hedges must be thoroughly treated with professional-grade organic chemicals. It’s crucial to treat all Box Trees on your property to prevent re-infestation once the treatment’s effects diminish.


Need pest control for your property?

Are you looking for an efficient pest control service? Look no further! Natures Way Pest Control is here to protect your home or business from all pests big and small. You can trust us to solve all your pest worries hassle-free.

Here at Natures Way, we offer a thorough pest control service for clients across Southend, Basildon, Brentwood, Stanford Le Hope, Rayleigh, and across Essex.