What Are the Signs You Need Professional Pests Control Services?

Imagine you’ve just noticed a trail of tiny droppings along your kitchen floor that wasn’t there yesterday. You might dismiss it as a one-time event, but what if it keeps happening, or those strange noises in the walls persist? Maybe you’ve tried DIY solutions that seem to only temporarily fix the issue, or you’ve noticed […]
Is It A Bed Bug or Something Else? 5 Sure Fire Ways to Identify

To identify bed bugs, look for small, reddish-brown, oval-shaped insects about 5-7 millimetres long with six legs and two antennae. They don’t jump but leave rust-coloured stains and exoskeletons in mattress seams. Fleas, in contrast, are smaller, narrow-bodied, and active jumpers, while ticks have eight legs and latch onto hosts for extended periods. Mites, much […]