Hawking and Falconry Bird Control

The use of a hawk or similar bird of prey to deter large flocks of Pigeons & Seagulls is a simple, clean way of keeping certain areas free of flying pests.

Hawking and Falconry Services

Areas where large numbers of people, such as Concerts or Stadiums produce a lot of wasted food waste, which local birds are happy to consume (attracting even more birds), while construction or building sites offer opportunities for them to build nests and disrupt the work going on.

Here at Natures Way, we offer a thorough pest control service for clients across Southend, Basildon, Brentwood, Stanford Le Hope, Rayleigh, and across Essex. Just simply contact us here today to see how one of our highly professional and friendly team members can assist you today.


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bird control | Hawk Services


Here at Natures Way, we provide expert hawk services. The use of birds of prey in this way is very easy and straightforward. Natures Way fly the hawks through the affected area a number of times over a prolonged period, educating the local bird population that the area is unsafe for them and encouraging them to find somewhere else to feed and even nest. Hawks and other predatory birds used in this way are taught to scare species that would otherwise be their prey.

There is lots of advantages using birds of prey in this way, there is nothing that has to be installed or maintained which enables the problem to be resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our professional, qualified handlers have strong bonds with their birds to maintain control over them. They can schedule their visits to the site according to the customers requirements and the scale of the problem.

Hawk Services

Our Hawk Service uses hawks and falcons as a natural deterrent against avian pests such as gulls and pigeons. A custom program can be designed to fly the hawks in or around buildings & structures, sports grounds etc to build up a Hawk territory (a dangerous place for other birds to be) the hawks go through very rigorous training to prepare them for their working environments and are in no way encouraged to kill or catch the pest birds. Our programs are designed as part of an integrated hawk service which has outstanding results in urban or rural situations


A famous comment from the Duke of Wellington to Queen Victoria:

Queen Victoria was concerned about the sparrows that had nested in the roof of the partly finished Crystal Palace, she asked the advice of the Duke Of Wellington as to how to get rid of them. Wellington’s reply was succinct and to the point, “Sparrow-hawks, Ma,am”. He was right, by the time the Crystal Palace was opened by the Queen, they had all gone!

CALL US TODAY FOR A NO OBLIGATION QUOTE 0797 105 0605 or 0800 043 6703


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